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Red tamarillo, 20+ seeds. 2023 harvested seeds. Kids and adults alike love them. Grow well in temperate climate. Seeds are germinating well as you can see from image.

Seeds cannot be sent to Western Australia, Tasmania or overseas due to quarantine restrictions.

Cluster of pink fragrant flowers appear in spring within 18 months from planting. Followed by large golden fruit which is sweet and less acidic than the red varieties.


Tamarillo is a member of the Soloanaceae family, with potato, tomato, pepino and naranjilla. Once known as the ‘Tree Tomato’. Native to the Andean region of Bolivia and north-west Argentina, the wild tamarillo seems to have all but disappeared from its native habitat.


Landscape Value

Take advantage of the large sub-tropical leaf form.


Nutritional Value

Good source of Vitamin A, B6, C and E. Rich in iron and potassium. Low in calories and high in dietary fibre.


How to Eat

Cut in half and scoop out the rich juicy pulp. Or use in a fruit salad, sauces, chutneys or as a meat accompaniment.


Expected Yield

1 plant can yield 15-20kg of fruit.



Provide a warm, sheltered sunny position.



Protect from the wind as these plants are shallow rooted. Not salt tolerant.



Frost tender. Light frosts will naturally prune your tree. Tamarillos need plenty of water as the huge soft leaves transpire rapidly.



Any well drained site with good moisture content and high in organic matter.



Choose a sheltered position with protection from strong winds and hard frosts.



Once your plant reaches 1 metre tall take the tip out to encourage branching and stopping the plant growing too tall so you can not reach the fruit. Frosts will naturally prune your tree. After the frost, remove old and dead wood. In areas of no frosts you will need to manually prune back growth to prevent over crowding. Always remember fruit is formed on the new spring growth, therefore a hard prune will maintain desired shape, size and maximise next seasons fruit.



Tamarillos are susceptible to aphids and whitefly.


Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg